New York Model Confidentiality Agreement

The New York Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a contract between two parties who may be individuals or companies, in order to legally prevent a member of the agreement from sharing with other information learned. The form is often available in business environments where it is used by both companies and individuals to protect trade secrets that are information that benefits the company or the person it holds. For example, business plans, product design, important processes, and revenues (for example. B the recipe for “Coca-Cola”). For something to be considered a trade secret, the public cannot know or know it easily if someone is looking for it. The New York City Bar Association has developed an example of an NDA that can be used as a reference to modify an existing model. Download: New York City Bar Association Model Form Non-Disclosure Agreement.pdf stolen trade secrets are still covered by customary law. Important information about New York`s trade secret laws can be found in the article “Trade Secrets Law in New York”. New York is a rare state when it comes to NDAs because they have not accepted the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA), which should be passed by states to standardize trade secret laws across the country. Although the state has not passed the law, after discovering that information has been wrongly stolen, victims have three (3) years to charge a case.