Is there a common practice for options on degree (dis-) agreements for questionnaires? The use of the word “option,” that is, a right contrary to the obligation to provide, did not help the applicant, who was still too uncertain to apply. The Court of Appeal also found that the word “reasonable” had been used to dictate how the parties should reach an agreement and not to compel them to a reasonable period of time. In addition, the factors identified by the applicant to assist the Tribunal in assessing the period were all economic factors that the parties, not the Tribunal, had to consider in their hearings. Therefore, even if the deadline had required the parties to agree on an appropriate extension, this would not have been applicable in the absence of an objective reference criterion in the GSO (or in the completion of the initial period) until the extension period would be set. There is no concept of “one size fits all” that the courts can invoke, as they will make their decision on enforceable force on the basis of their interpretation of the agreement as a whole. However, if a clause gives the parties the opportunity to accept or object at a later date, whether reasonable or not, the parties should consider that the courts will apply such a clause only slowly. In the making of language, whether speaking or writing, one of the most important linguistic functions is that of agreement and contradiction. This linguistic funciton is important because it allows locophones to negotiate meaning and make agreements while communicating with others. That is why I will teach you in today`s quick letter how to express your agreement and disagreement in English with a comprehensive list of expressions that will allow you to agree with others and not approve of them. I will also show you a few words to express your opinion, because this is closely related to how we agree or disagree with others. The applicant initiated proceedings and argued that he was entitled to “an additional period of time during which additional remuneration under the GSA was payable.” The applicant pointed out that the wording used in the GSO (i.e. “having the opportunity”) was binding. The defendant argued that it was not required to grant an extension to the applicant, since the provision is a non-applicable agreement and an agreement must be reached.